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Du juin 22 au août 17 2016
Intimacy means something which is deep. Not only coiled inside ourselves, intimacy splits in play looks, a discreet smile, a loving nearness. Intimate imagery convenes its own scenery : a lounge alcove, inside a room, a soft forest area. There, the atmosphere must whisper, suggest the subject. By placing the face in the mirror reflection or using a discrete blur… In order to guess not to know.
The jury - composed of Julien Magre and Christopher Anderson (photographers), Sylvain Amic (director of the Musée des Beaux Arts of Rouen), Raphaëlle Stoppin, (director of the image pole of Haute-Normandie) and Thierry Henen (director of ESADHAR) - will elected the twelves images “Coups de coeur” wich will be exhibited at the Cabinet des dessins of the Musée des Beaux Arts de Rouen, in september.
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TerminéDu juin 22 au août 17 2016