
TerminéDu juin 22 au août 17 2016


TerminéDu juin 22 au août 17 2016


TerminéDu juin 22 au août 17 2016


TerminéDu juin 22 au août 17 2016


TerminéDu juin 22 au août 17 2016


TerminéDu juin 22 au août 17 2016


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Du juin 22 au août 17 2016

Intimacy means something which is deep. Not only coiled inside ourselves, intimacy splits in play looks, a discreet smile, a loving nearness. Intimate imagery convenes its own scenery : a lounge alcove, inside a room, a soft forest area. There, the atmosphere must whisper, suggest the subject. By placing the face in the mirror reflection or using a discrete blur… In order to guess not to know.

The jury - composed of Julien Magre and Christopher Anderson (photographers), Sylvain Amic (director of the Musée des Beaux Arts of Rouen), Raphaëlle Stoppin, (director of the image pole of Haute-Normandie) and Thierry Henen (director of ESADHAR) - will elected the twelves images “Coups de coeur” wich will be exhibited at the Cabinet des dessins of the Musée des Beaux Arts de Rouen, in september.

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En partenariat avec

RMMRN Réunion des musées métropolitains Rouen Normandie Since January 1st, 2016, nine museums met under the aegis of the Metropolis Rouen Normandy in Rouen, the museum of the Fine art, museum of natural history, the museum of Ceramics, the Secq des Tournelles museum, museum of Antiquities and Joan of Arc Tower, to Elbeuf the Factory of the knowledges, in Petit Couronne the Pierre Corneille museum and to Notre-Dame-de-Bondeville the Vallois ropeworks museum. This initiative aims at protecting the heritage existing for the future generations, but also to revisit him, to emphasize him patiently, and so to renew ceaselessly the desire, the pleasure, the curiosity, the rise which we win to frequent these exceptional heritage. In each of these establishments conjugates at the same time the big History and that of its territory. We take up with the encyclopedic knowlege there which is originally even of the notion of museum, but also the unique testimonies of the genius of the great masters as that of the anonymous craftsmen. So many places to get fresh ideas, to stimulate the imagination and the creativity, to understand the evolution of companies and go back to the sources of the big debates of the contemporary world. Because these treasures of the Metropolis Rouen Normandy, collected and protected through centuries, have a universal value, the access to the permanent collections is from now on free, for all, all year long. In it is added a rich programming of exhibitions temporary as that visible until September 26th, 2016 to the Museum of the Fine art of Rouen : scenes from impressionist life. It is around these "scenes" of life and the intimacy that Wipplay and the museum it are associated to throw a big competition photo this summer. site web

Lots à gagner

1er prix du jury
1 exhibition + 1 print + 1 entry for an exhibition + 1 exhibition catalog
2ème prix du jury
1 exhibition + 1 print + 1 entry for an exhibition + 1 exhibition catalog
3ème prix du jury
1 exhibition + 1 print + 1 entry for an exhibition + 1 special issue of Beaux Arts Magazine
1er prix des internautes
1 print + 1 entry for an exhibition + 1 exhibition catalog
2ème prix des internautes
1 print + 1 entry for an exhibition + 1 special issue of Beaux Arts Magazine
3ème prix des internautes
1 print + 1 entry for an exhibition + 1 special issue of Beaux Arts Magazine

TerminéDu juin 22 au août 17 2016

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