
Come down from your family tree

TerminéDu mars 25 au avril 14 2015


Come down from your family tree

TerminéDu mars 25 au avril 14 2015


Come down from your family tree

TerminéDu mars 25 au avril 14 2015


Come down from your family tree

TerminéDu mars 25 au avril 14 2015


« Come down from your family tree »

Du mars 25 au avril 14 2015

A grandfather on his skateboard, a child perched on his heels, an old aunt playing Playstation, a family portrait which confront the 3 generations or solidarity between two ages! Capture in images these exchanges, the transmission through the ages !

Come down from your family tree

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A collaboration :

Lots à gagner

1er prix du jury
Publication of the winning image in the next issue of Causette, 2 years of subscription to Causette magazine and a mug
2ème prix du jury
1 year subscription to Causette and a mug
3ème prix du jury
6 month subscription to Causette magazine
1er prix des internautes
1 year subscription to Causette magazine
2ème prix des internautes
6 month subscription to Causette magazine
3ème prix des internautes
Last issue of Causette magazine

TerminéDu mars 25 au avril 14 2015

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