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  • Sophie ODDO

    In 2015, I moved to Iceland for about six months. Far from tourist dreams, living from day to day a « behind the scene » of a small country, living in the heart of mass tourism. Just right in the midst of the strong ambivalence between the Icelandic identity, its country, its lands, indefinable landscapes, and what man has done to it. This is where I developped a work of analog photographic series of my explorations far from the city, in order to testify and awaken the consciences. The impact that Human has on Nature, against his romantic needs to always find himself close to her. It does not tell the story of one character, but more exposing our own person, souls, and life, in this giant world we just pass through. Like etchings, sometimes charcoal drawings, these landscapes stand here, in the present, but interacting with all the temporalities. With the presence of Human everwhere, we then question what we know about things, about the life that passes, and about our relationship to Nature that evolves, and is here since the beginning of time. Portrait of a “footprint” country, right in between a positive progress, and the one which deserves we think about. An undefined work, suspended in time. Timeless evolution, which raises awareness about what is, what was, and what will be. Between solitary adventures and inventory of fixtures. A testimony, another vision of a country which we we talk a lot about, which has its own essence, but which happens to be an huge spokesperson of the world we live in. | All the story on my website :


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