Here we co

Collective intelligence and alternative solutions

TerminéDu novembre 6 au décembre 19 2018

Here we co

Collective intelligence and alternative solutions

TerminéDu novembre 6 au décembre 19 2018

Here we co

Collective intelligence and alternative solutions

TerminéDu novembre 6 au décembre 19 2018

Here we co

Collective intelligence and alternative solutions

TerminéDu novembre 6 au décembre 19 2018

Here we co

Collective intelligence and alternative solutions

TerminéDu novembre 6 au décembre 19 2018

Here we co

Collective intelligence and alternative solutions

TerminéDu novembre 6 au décembre 19 2018

Here we co

Collective intelligence and alternative solutions

TerminéDu novembre 6 au décembre 19 2018

Here we co

« Collective intelligence and alternative solutions »

Du novembre 6 au décembre 19 2018

What is your vision for an intelligent, connected and responsible society? For this photography competition, you must ask yourself what it is to be human at the heart of active and creative communities. The backdrop should be the digital revolution: new networks (distribution, communication, transport), types of mobility (ways of working, at home, architecture) and collective responsibility (collaborative economy, alternative consumption). Share your vision of how technological progress can bring us closer together and increase the connections between us. Be curious and creative - there are many possible topics! An exceptional jury made of Yann Audic, Delphine Diallo (Photographers), Frederik Lerneryd (Photojournalist), Corinne Sombrun (Writer) et Axel Dauchez (Director of will come together to choose the best images. Furthermore, the images with the most votes will be awarded a place on the people’s choice podium.

Partager le concours

Règlement du concours

Lots à gagner

1er prix du jury
€1500 + an Apple Watch
2ème prix du jury
€500 + a connected weather station
3ème prix du jury
€200 + a Viewsonic M1 projector
1er prix des internautes
An electric scooter
2ème prix des internautes
Two loveboxes
3ème prix des internautes
A Morphee sleeping kit
Here we co

TerminéDu novembre 6 au décembre 19 2018

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