Goodbye Lénine
« Do svidaniya Vladimir Ilitch Oulianov »
From October 25 to December 13 2017
Good Bye Lenine" is a contest celebrating the atmosphere "retro RDA". You are entirely free to kindle the East German nostalgia with its flowery wallpapers, or its frugal gastronomy (jars of pickles and canned herrings are expected) and its brutalist architecture. If the flashback pictorials are not pleasant, do not hesitate to stage the images bluntly. Get your best 1980s style nylon sports jackets! Your images can be taken in Eastern Europe but not only ... However, please leave out the smartphones, fast foods and soda capitalists out of the context of the contest.
The jury composed of Daniel Khamdamov, Guillaume Chauvin, Danila Tkachenko and Natalia Turine will elect the three most aesthetic images. The top three pictures that shall gather the most votes shall win the famous wipplayers prize.
Jury's prices
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Prizes to win
FinishedFrom October 25 to December 13 2017