
TerminéDu janvier 11 au février 15 2023


TerminéDu janvier 11 au février 15 2023


TerminéDu janvier 11 au février 15 2023


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Du janvier 11 au février 15 2023

Between the ecological and geopolitical crisis, energy is not only in the news but also in our landscapes. Fields of photovoltaic panels, power station chimneys, electric dams, wind turbines. Energy issues lead to giant infrastructures that are real photographic subjects. In addition to modern installations, urbex enthusiasts can also take an interest in abandoned factories, particularly coal industries. The ENERGIE(S) competition offers you the opportunity to immerse yourself in the heart of these industries to make a real artistic and documentary experience.

This competition is carried out in collaboration with USIMAGES, an event that allows the memory of companies to be questioned and the work of men to be highlighted through a series of outdoor exhibitions. The 5th edition is based on a programme of eleven exhibitions on the themes of energy and metallurgy. The three winners of the jury will be able to exhibit their photographs during this festival.

Partager le concours

Règlement du concours

Lots à gagner

1er prix du jury
Projection of the winning image during Usimage
2ème prix du jury
Projection of the winning image during Usimage
3ème prix du jury
Exhibition of the winning image at Usimages
1er prix des internautes
Book " Oui aux moutons, non aux neutrons " by Jean Pottier published by Diaphane, 25€
2ème prix des internautes
Book " Oui aux moutons, non aux neutrons " by Jean Pottier published by Diaphane, 25€
3ème prix des internautes
Book " Oui aux moutons, non aux neutrons " by Jean Pottier published by Diaphane, 25€

TerminéDu janvier 11 au février 15 2023

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