South America at its Natural

Unveil the beauty of a continent

TerminéDu août 16 au septembre 4 2023

South America at its Natural

Unveil the beauty of a continent

TerminéDu août 16 au septembre 4 2023

South America at its Natural

Unveil the beauty of a continent

TerminéDu août 16 au septembre 4 2023

South America at its Natural

Unveil the beauty of a continent

TerminéDu août 16 au septembre 4 2023

South America at its Natural

« Unveil the beauty of a continent »

Du août 16 au septembre 4 2023

A multitude of cultures and landscapes living side by side over almost 18 million square kilometers, South America represents 12% of the total land area of our beloved planet Earth. Plains, mountains, deserts, primary forests: the natural environments are diverse and gigantic, stretching as far as the eye can see. This year, Wipplay crosses the Atlantic to another continent for a competition organized in conjunction with the 3rd Cafayate Foto Festival, held from September 7 to 10 in this northern Argentine city, famous for its vineyards. Bolivia, Chile, Brazil, Argentina, Ecuador, Colombia, Cuba... Ever had the chance to capture the beauty of South America? Don't hesitate to take part in our competition by submitting your visions of grandiose landscapes. It's up to you to take us on a trip to South America!

Partager le concours

Règlement du concours

Lots à gagner

1er prix du jury
Screening of the winning photo at Cafayate Foto Fest
2ème prix du jury
Screening of the winning photo at Cafayate Foto Fest
3ème prix du jury
Screening of the winning photo at Cafayate Foto Fest
1er prix des internautes
3ème prix des internautes
2ème prix des internautes
South America at its Natural

TerminéDu août 16 au septembre 4 2023

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