

The idea of PyroPet came to designer Thorunn Arnadottir while studying at the Royal College of Art in London in 2011. The idea came to Thorunn when she was thinking about the way people use candles: "One day as I watched the chubby body of a jolly Santa Claus shaped candle slowly melt, deform and perish into a sad pool of wax, I wondered if I could elevate this common place ritual sacrifice into a true theatre of the macabre in wax." She came up with the idea of embedding a metal skeleton within a cat shaped candle. A sinister form, lurking, biding it's time, waiting to be revealed. After exhibiting the cat candles (called “The Devil’s Pet” back then) in Milan and at her graduation show in London, they quickly gained a lot of attention on the internet. She joined forces with Dan Koval and they launched a Kickstarter campaign to finance their little startup. The campaign was a great success, in only 4 days they had reached their funding goal and at the end of the campaign they had reached 250% of their initial goal. Thorunn and Dan founded PyroPet Candle Company and are now selling the candles in shops and galleries all around the world.


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