
Kendrys Legenty, writer-director, double-trained in medicine and humanities, and more particularly in cinema at the Ecole Normale Supérieure de Paris, I'm also a chronically ill patient and former caregiver.

Over the past few years, I've been working to forge links between the healthcare and audiovisual fields. This connection has taken the form of film direction and production, as well as courses and seminars, notably through the association Les Films du Dispensaire.

Today, I run the digital media association La Fabrique des Soignants, which brings together caregivers and patients to decipher the healthcare system.

2 HEURES Howard Phillips a suivi colorjunkie
2 HEURES Howard Phillips a suivi colorjunkie
2 HEURES Howard Phillips a suivi colorjunkie
2 HEURES Howard Phillips a suivi colorjunkie
2 HEURES Howard Phillips a suivi colorjunkie
2 HEURES Howard Phillips a suivi colorjunkie
2 HEURES Howard Phillips a suivi colorjunkie
2 HEURES Howard Phillips a suivi colorjunkie
2 HEURES Howard Phillips a suivi colorjunkie
2 HEURES Howard Phillips a suivi colorjunkie


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